Forbidden Forever Page 4
Golden blonde hair spirals in cascading waves against her neck, lipid pools of blue eyes glisten when she looks into mine. Something in those eyes make my dick stand on point, is it desire? That would be dream come true and I know it is a fantasy we can't live out because the situation we are in is too complicated. Her legs are walking closer to me and before I know it her arms are around me like a warm blanket in winter time. I know that something has triggered this need for affection, but I don't question it and I wrap my arms tightly around her. Our eyes meet and the static is pulling me to her uncontrollably. Fuck, I want to feel her wet warmness around my cock. The pressure is so intense I don't know how much longer I can hold it in without exploding all around us. She touches my face and I press her into the wall behind us. I grab her face and pull back for a moment, just enough time to look into her soul and see if this is what she truly wants. I don't know if I can bring myself to stop.
The need in her eyes is enough to make me cum right there but I don't because she is wanting, needing something more. More from me and I will give her all she wants for as long as I can. She looks so fucking hot in her pantsuit, but I sure as hell cannot wait to take it off her. I yank the light blue shirt she is wearing out of her pants, my eyes never leaving hers. She pulls my doctor coat off and tosses it to the floor. She starts unbuttoning my shirt while I am trying desperately to get her off. The clothing starts piling up on the ground below us. My shirt reveals my tattoos that cover half my arm and trail down my shoulder and chest. I undo her pants and slide my hand down the front so I can feel the wet flesh between my fingers. I pull the pants down her legs, and shocked, I grab her bare ass. Cocking my head to the side say, "Commando?! Naughty girl, you should be spanked! It's so fucking hot."
Chapter 6
Her cheeks turn that shade of pink that is so damn cute I can't help but smile. I stand straight and grab hold of her hands and caress them ever so slightly as I stretch them out to admire my view from a distance. I lean into her neck and whisper, "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. These legs, these hips." Gliding my fingers over her arms, I whisper, "Baby, you are very much everything I've ever wanted." Her lips impact mine and the embrace nearly knocks me off my feet. The way our bodies connect to each other is almost too perfect. Connecting with someone like this is unimaginable, insanely poetic, beyond words. Her hand grips my cock in between her palm and fingers, stroking me up and down as her body moves lower until she is on her knees in front of me. Her wet tongue licks up my shaft, circling the head, then she licks her lips and starts again. The teasing stops as she engulfs my cock into her mouth, sucking hard and fast.
The pleasure is so intense I moan with every breath I take. Fuck, if she keeps this up I will cum in her mouth. I would enjoy cumming all over her beautiful body, but I know she has to work and I don't want her to feel dirty all day. I'll have to save that for another time if I am lucky enough to do this again. I grab her arm to pull her up back up to me before I burst and lose the chance to see her face as she comes apart from feeling me. Sliding my hand down to her clitoris in between her folds teasingly, circling her swollen pink skin to stimulate her sex. I slip in two fingers, pushing in and out, in and out, and just as I can feel her tighten, I lift her up and lower her onto my cock. She wraps her arms around me as we both moan from the pleasure that is building up from the connection. Damn, she feels so good wrapped around me. We both start to shiver as we cum together. I put my hands in her hair, on her breasts, her hips, and her ass. I don't want this to end because I am afraid of what will happen if I let her go.
I whisper in her ear, "Oh, Laney, you are worth losing everything for because without you I truly have nothing. I have never felt so complete, so whole until now. I am afraid to move and realize this was a daydream."
I look her in the eyes and say, "You are my daydream!"
She doesn't speak, but lays her head in the crook of my neck; it is somewhat calming to have her so close even after we just had sex. I was afraid she would have run away. "I have wanted you for so long and I never dreamed it would be even more than I dreamed it would. Let's not think about what's next let's just think about now," I tell her. We sit in the chair for the next thirty minutes and I know we have to get ourselves together before we have to spend the rest of the day working, but I just can't seem to get my legs to move. Her head is on my chest and I can picture us being like this for the rest of our lives. Two people with the wrong spouses finally finding one another yet are too afraid to let go of the past.
Laney's POV
The sun is filling the room with warmth, but I am still shivering from the chill I feel in the bed. Of course I don't want him to touch me after what I have done, but it would be nice to feel anything other than ice when he is around. I slip out of bed, trying not to wake him up as I head toward the shower. I step in the steamy hot liquid as to wash away the wrong that I have created, but the water isn't hot enough or pure enough to wash away the sin. I have scrubbed my body from one side to the other and suddenly I start thinking about the way Chance's hands felt on my face, sliding down my breast and over my hips. The softness in his touch was enough to light me on fire. Closing my eyes, I can smell his amazing scent, a cross between manly and fuck me. Oh. My. God. That man will be my undoing.
Never opening my eyes, I run my hand down my face, reaching my breasts, and begin rolling my nipples in between my fingers and rubbing them with my palm, slowly sliding down my side and gliding over my hips. I pause for a second but the yearning is too strong and I need something to free this desire I feel for him. With one discreet touch, my hand is easing its way to my vagina and I rub back and forth, feeling the wetness inside. In goes one finger, back and forth, my hips moving in rhythm. My hand won't stop, my breathing is heavy and the release is coming. I have come undone with just the thought of him touching me. I still. I am relaxed and I know that it was a sordid thing to do but I also know that it won't be the last time he will make me feel that way. I haven't had my fill of Dr. Turner yet and I will have to figure this out before I lose my mind. Is it just sex? Or is it something more? The craving I feel for this man is more than anything I have ever felt. I need his hands on me, his smell intoxicating my mind and his words capturing my soul.
On the drive to work I try to think about what to say and how to start talking to him about what we are going to do about the situation we are in. I am repeating the words over and over, but have yet to come to any words that wouldn't sound like a crazy assistant wanting her boss to leave his wife. Parking my car, I lay my head against the steering wheel and close my eyes. A knock on the window nearly sends my heart through the windshield. "Sierra! What are you doing? You just about gave me a heart attack?" I snap.
"Are you okay, Laney? You look tired," Sierra points out.
"I am fine. I just need a long nap; my body is not use to these long days."
We walk to our offices and I agree to go to lunch with her. I notice Chance's office door cracked open so once I set my things on my desk, I walk over and peek in. Chance is sitting in his chair, leaned back with his arm behind his head as if in deep thought. His eyes reach mine and a wicked grin crosses his face. Relaxed, he pats his leg, inviting me to come sit on his lap. My eyes are delighted by the way he is looking into them as I walk over and sit. Sometimes his looks feel like he is looking at someone else, someone pretty and thin, not someone fat and ugly like me. I lean back against his chest and snuggle his neck. His smell is mind-altering in ways that make me forget the outside world or anything other than him. Chance pulls back and looks in my eyes, and for a moment, it is silent. Everything is right; we are two people just needing comfort from someone who wants us as much as we want them. Breaking the silence, he utters the words I have been waiting for. "Be with me, Laney."
He continues. "I know we have not known each other for long, but I am even more sure about what I feel for you than any other thing in my life. The way your eyes show every emotion you are feeling, your touch. Your
thoughts about life; they are everything I want in mine." I stare without a word. My heart and head are all over the place and I don't know what to do. My thoughts are for Callie and Kaleb and how this would change their lives, or the way they see me.
"I need time," I finally speak back. "I have kids, so things aren't that easy for me. I need to know that it is right. I can screw up my own life, but I could never live with myself for screwing up theirs."
Chance wraps his arms tighter around me and takes a deep breath. "I know it is a difficult situation for you and I will give you all the time you need to decide what you want to do," he explains. He proceeds to tell me about his condo on the beach that he just purchased. Just as he is reaching behind my butt, he slides his hand into his pocket and pulls out a key on a heart-shaped key ring with the words Tiffany and Co. on it, and places it in my hand. My very first piece of Tiffany anything.
"Let's do this. Get to know me away from here and then I will prove to you that we belong together, that I can be a great stepdad to Callie and Kaleb, and we can stop being miserable apart. I want to show you how much I care for you and treat you the way you should be treated. Remind you every day how amazing you are and how beautiful you are. I want you to see the beauty I see every day when you look into the mirror, to always know how perfect you are. Also, I told Catherine, my wife, I want a divorce and we are both on the same side so there are no hard feelings. She wanted it as much as I did; she just didn't want to be the one who ended it. People in our lives have worked very hard to try and keep us together. It is only you, Laney. I only want you."
Chapter 7
He only wants me? Ha! I am married to a man who never wants me, yet sitting here on the lap of the man who just left his wife because he only wants me. I would be completely insane to go back home to that man who belittles me every day and not give this wonderful man next to me a chance to make me feel wanted. Cherished! I smile and grab his face in between both hands and press my lips to his with more passion than I knew I had in me. He gently strokes my neck and with that extremely sexy wicked grin, says, "So is that a yes?"
"Yes. Yes, I will spend more time with you away from the office." The lies are going to make things difficult for me, but at this moment all I can think of is the feelings burning through me for this man who actually wants me for me.
Callie and I have a mother/daughter day planned with a full day of activities. I love this time of year when the weather is just right and the humidity is gone. Fall in Florida is the best time of year because it is still warm and everything around you is changing colors. The ocean breeze is so inviting that you can spend the whole day down at the beach and not get too hot. If we could just set up a hammock out there it would be perfect. First stop on our list for the day is coffee. We can't go a day without the feeling of pure heaven soothing out pipes. Heck, we aren't even human until our first cup. Like mother, like daughter!
Our favorite place to get coffee is BeachHouse Beanery on A1A for the best company, view, and aroma. So we get our coffee and rum cake, then go sit outside to enjoy our morning view on the horizon. Relaxing in our deck chairs, Callie talks about her week at school and how annoying her teacher, Ms. Monroe, has been all week. The lady needs to get a grip. My impression of her is that she is an old, lonely shrew of a woman who needs to teach instead of harass students. Callie is an awesome student and has enrolled in college classes so she can get her AA before she graduates. I always pictured her being a doctor since I have so much experience in that field, but I think she is leaning toward something more up her alley. She hasn't quite made up her mind, but she has some time still to decide. "Mom, I met a boy that I really like. His name is Blake. I would like him to come over for dinner and meet you and Dad. Do you think Dad would be okay with it?"
"In all honesty, Callie, I don't know what your dad is okay with, but I'm sure you can bring it up to him and see what he says. I would be delighted to meet him either way. Maybe we could go to dinner if your dad isn't in the mood for company."
"Sounds great, Mom," Callie says.
We clean up our mess and get in the car to drive to the Princess Place for the Creekside Festival they have every year around this time. It is set on a beautiful preserve with a canopy of Live Oak trees. The festival is full of arts, crafts, and food. Bluegrass, country, and folk music fill the air as we grab a blanket from the trunk of the car and go find a seat on the grass in front of the Princess house. The band plays and we lie back on the blanket and watch the clouds. Reminds me of the days when she was younger and we used to lay outside and find clouds that created a shape in the sky. Moments like those you put in a box inside your heart to bring a smile to your face on the days when you don't think you can smile.
I have had several days like that and I cherish every moment I have with this amazing young lady who I am lucky enough to call my daughter. Some people only wish they could have a relationship as strong as Callie and I. Kaleb and her give me hope every day that I have to live with that asshole and every day I live feeling like I am nothing. When I look at her, I see more in myself than a fat piece of lard; I see a mother who has raised an amazing daughter. Next stop on our list is the beach. Callie is a fish with legs and would live in the water if her skin wouldn't get weak and wrinkle after prolonged periods in it. I am more of a land girl and love relaxing on the sand, reading a good book. Callie spots one of her friends, April, from school, so she heads down to the water with her.
I kick back in my lawn chair with my latest book, The Perfect Game. This story has me really wanting to rip the guy Jack's head off. I know I will somehow love him in the end, but if it doesn't happen soon, I might slam my Nook to pieces. Yeah, so I think I am Wonder Woman even when it comes to being pissed at a book boyfriend. Whatever. In my head I can be whatever I want to be, and today this Wonder Woman is going to kick some Jack Carter ass. More people are hanging out with Callie in the water, a few more girls and now I see a couple guys. She runs and hugs one of them who I am assuming is Blake. She notices me looking and waves her hand as if to say, "Stop it, Mom. You are such a creeper." Creeper, Ha! Wait until she is a mom. I bet she will be way worse than me. Besides, all I did was glance up and she happened to catch me looking at that moment. Maybe she shouldn't be so worried about me watching her and her new boyfriend, and just introduce us already.
I get back into my book and just as I thought I would, I fall in love with that fucking Jack Carter. Next thing you know, I will be wearing baseball shirts and calling myself Kitten. It could be worse. I could be an old hag who couldn't fall in love over and over with so many fictional characters because I am too broken to be fixed. I mean I am completely and totally in love with Edward, Christian, Kellan, and now Jack. I see it like this: I get to live in a fantasy world where I am the girl lead and the guy is my ideal man. When you live with a man of many moods, zoning off somewhere other than reality is better than reality. I love that Callie is so independent in her life and knows what she wants. She is so confident and her spirit radiates all around her. It is mesmerizing, and to think I created that.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see her and the young man who I assume to be Blake walking in my direction. As they get closer, I set my Nook down in my lap and notice he is a well-groomed and handsome boy. I just hope his manners are up to par. Callie holds out her hand to him and explains, "Mom, this is Blake...Blake this is my mom, Laney."
I can tell he is quite nervous meeting a parent for the first time. Possibly, the first time he had ever actually met a parent at all. I speak softly so I don't freak him out anymore.
"Hi, Blake. It is very nice to meet you."
Callie then adds, "Hey, Mom, would it be okay if Blake had dinner with us tonight? I know it is mother/daughter day but..." I cut her off abruptly.
"Callie, honey, it would be wonderful if Blake would join us. It gives me a chance to get to know him."
Smiling, she says, "Thanks, Mom. You're the best!" She takes his hand to head back to the water. A c
ouple more hours pass and I am finally through with my book. Wow, I hate that feeling of emptiness I feel after I finish a book. Dinner time has finally arrived and I am starving. We choose the Golden Lion Cafe because of its laid backed theme and amazing food. I get Sharon's nachos with extra jalapeƱos because I am in for something spicy that isn't my boss at the moment. Callie and Blake share buffalo chicken wings and Asian pot stickers. We choose a picnic table on the top deck so we can get a great view of the sunset. Your day isn't completely perfect until you see one of those and have a voodoo Kool-Aid.
Blake talks about his family and he seems to be a very well brought up young man. I am happy Callie has finally stepped into the dating world; I was beginning to wonder if she ever would. She is always happy, but I love the twinkle in her eye she gets when she talks to him. This gets me thinking about Chance and the way he makes me feel, and about Michael and the way I used to feel when I was with him. I remember before we got married Michael would tell me I was beautiful, and things seemed to be so right. Who would have known a change in size would mean a change of heart. Chance doesn't even seem to notice my weight or that I am disgusting to look at. He must be wearing his beer goggles, and this is something I should probably bring up to him if we ever did decide to be together.